Day of Prophecy Conference at Southeastern
January 19, 2017
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) hosted a prophecy conference that explored views on eschatology on September 4.
The conference focused on what the Bible says about the end times.
Attendees including students, faculty and staff heard evidence for the pre-tribulation rapture, and the end times in relation to dispensationalism.
Questions were raised about what one can gain from understanding the relationship between Israel and the Church? How does this relationship indicate the timing of the rapture? How does the rapture fit into the unfolding prophetic events mentioned in Scripture?
Speakers discussed the relationship between eschatology and prophecy through lectures and a panel discussion moderated by Ken Keathley.
Speakers included, Craig Blaising, Ed Hindson, Michael Rydelnik and William Watson. The L. Russ Bush Center for Faith and Culture hosted the event.
In chapel, Hindson’s message from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 sought to answer the question, “Can We Still Believe in the Rapture?”
Hinson reminded listeners, “Whatever our eschatology is we have a responsibility to spread the gospel.”
“Bible prophecy is not written to scare us but prepare us,” he said.
In the afternoon, Watson lectured on “The Rapture Before Darby” and Rydelnk on “Israel, the Church, and the Tribulation.”
Blaising taught on “The Rapture and the Day of the Lord” in the evening.
“I’m delighted in how the conference turned out. All of the speakers did an excellent job of presenting the pretribulational view of the Rapture in a way that was winsome, informative, and faithful to Scripture,” Keathley added. “Ed Hindson deserves special credit for all that he did to make the event a success.”
Also during the conference, the new Jess Hendley Chair of Biblical Theology was announced. In January 2015, Keathley will be installed in the chair.
Daniel Palmer, director of financial development, said, “Our work is fueled by an overwhelming conviction that God has called us to help honor and commend the faculty who so generously pour their lives into students, and endowed chairs are an essential part of that strategy. The Hendley Chair is particularly humbling and gratifying because I was blessed to study under Dr. Keathley during several theology courses.”
“I am deeply grateful to God for his investments in my own life, and I cannot think of a better scholar or a better man to serve Southeastern’s students as the Hendley Chair of Biblical Theology,” Palmer explained.
To view photos from this event, please click here.
To watch the lectures online, please click here.