O.S. Hawkins preaches on preparing for ministry
January 19, 2017
O.S. Hawkins, president and CEO of GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention, spoke in chapel at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary on August 27.
Hawkins earned a Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of over 25 books.
His message focused on Acts 13 and asked four questions for students preparing for ministry.
The questions included, am I a servant? Do I have a sense of calling? Do I understand the difference between the first century message and 21st century methodology that will always chance? And do I have an eternal purpose?
Hawkins believes true leaders ask questions. He compared and contrasted character traits of leaders and highlighted Christ as the perfect example to follow.
In the New Testament, Jesus is recorded asking 150 questions in the Gospels. “He was always asking questions. … Not because He needed answers, He was trying to position us to see ourselves for what we were,” Hawkins said.
“You’re never more like Jesus than when you are out there washing someone’s feet, even when they don’t deserve it,” Hawkins noted.
Hawkins warned students that sometimes the only thing that will keep someone in ministry is their calling. “God still calls particular people, to particular places, for particular purposes,” he said.
According to Hawkins, the call of God is also personal, purposeful, practical and providential.
“God has set you apart … for His own good will,” Hawkins said. “A job you can do [and] no one is gifted to serve like you can.”
The audience was urged to be on guard against a “new” gospel message that is man-centered and about self-fulfillment.
Hawkins shared that the New Testament gospel is about self-denial and is based on Christ and His plan of redemption.
Students were encouraged by Hawkins to “serve God’s purpose in their generation” and be willing to go and share Christ with others.
To view this message online, please click here.
To view photos from chapel, please click here.