Must Reads from Southeastern Professors
January 19, 2017
Robert Jones, Pursuing Peace: A Christian Guide to Handling Our Conflicts
Dr. Robert Jones offers a step-by-step process for pursuing peace in all one’s relationships. Jones’ book is biblical, Christ-centered, practical, and proven. It relies on the absolute authority, sufficiency, and life-giving power of God’s Spirit-breathed Word; hence it’s biblical. It is also Christ-centered: it depends on the forgiving and empowering grace of Jesus Christ.
From a practical perspective, Pursuing Peace provides concrete action steps, case examples, discussion questions, and suggested language to handle specific situations. Lastly, this book is proven: it offers tried-and-true methods from a pastor, professor, counselor, and certified Christian conciliator who has led couples, churches, and Christian schools to make peace for over twenty-five years.
Andreas Köstenberger and David Jones, Marriage and the Family: Biblical Essentials
Professor Andreas Köstenberger and Ethics Professor David W. Jones speak to the issues at hand and guide us through the fray. Presenting a Christian theology of marriage and parenting, they offer insight on issues such as abortion, contraception, infertility, adoption, homosexuality, and divorce.
Marriage and Family: Biblical Essentials points the way to the spiritual solution to our culture’s confusion: a return to, and rebuilding of, the biblical foundation of marriage and the family.
Mark Liederbach and Seth Bible, True North: Christ, The Gospel, and Creation Care
Because the Bible describes the second person of the Trinity as the key agent in creation, redemption, and the restoration of all things, it is imperative that Christians seeking conformity to the image of Christ root their understanding of, and motivation for, creation care in a theology and ethic that seeks to maximize the worship of Christ throughout all creation.
Thus, the purpose of True North is to explore the person and work of Christ in creation, redemption, and the restoration of all things so as to establish the idea that caring for God’s creation depends not upon prognostications for or against a global warming crisis.