SEBTS Alumni Director Says Goodbye
January 19, 2017
Greetings Alumni:
I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying this Christmas season with your families and brothers and sisters in Christ. Each December, Binkley Chapel is filled with poinsettias and beautiful Christmas wreaths in preparation to welcome many graduates and their families as they celebrate one of the significant milestones in their pursuit to faithfully serving King Jesus. Over the last five years, I have had the distinct privilege to look out of my second story office window in Stealey Hall and observe our graduates applaud our President and his faculty as they process into chapel to confer numerous degrees related to various disciplines – disciplines embedded in the Great Commission. This scene always stirs up great joy in my heart as it brings to my mind the many ways God continues to bless Southeastern with godly men and women passionate to make His name famous among the nations.
As I write this letter, I do so with great sadness and anticipation as this December will conclude my tenure as your Director of Alumni Development. I am leaving this position – a position I love dearly – to begin gaining experience teaching at the college level and devoting more time to pastoring the church that God has graciously given me the honor to pastor over the last seven years. Also, and most importantly, I will have more time to spend with my family – time that has come at a premium over the last five years as I’ve been commuting several hours each day. I will always cherish my time as your Director of Alumni. I covet your prayers for wisdom and clarity as I pursue my calling to be a disciple of Christ and a minister of His precious gospel.
In light of this transition, I am unable to put into words the indelible impact you have made on my life as I’ve learned of your numerous stories of sacrifice and service for the Kingdom. Though the role of this position is designed to serve you, I leave here believing I have far more been served by you. I truly believe that Southeastern alumni are the greatest alumni in the world – the greatest because of your deep love for Christ and his church. The faith I’ve seen lived out in many of you will truly encourage me throughout my life as a husband, father, and minister. As I covet your prayers, please know that I desire to continue to pray for you that you complete the race of faith with immense joy in your hearts.
In keeping with the high standard of excellence that is pursued by the leadership of Southeastern, my successor is a man who embodies the spirit of Southeastern and the pursuit of excellence – a man I hold in the highest regard. Jonathan Six, a two-time Southeastern graduate, current Ph.D. student, and wonderful man of God, has been named to fulfill this important position. I know Jonathan will serve you well and I encourage you to reach out to him and discover ways that you may assist him in building the alumni network. You are our greatest ambassadors and recruiters. Your labor, alongside Jonathan, will yield tremendous fruit in the days ahead. In the wonderful name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I love you and I am grateful for you. May God bless you and your families as you serve as ministers of His gospel.
In Christ,
Albie Brice
Director of Alumni Development