A Call to Share the Gospel from Leonce Crump
January 19, 2017
Leonce Crump, pastor of Renovation Church in Atlanta, Ga., challenged those in attendance at the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) chapel service to have the same heart as God for lost sinners. Crump has served in ministry for the past 12 years and is currently finishing his M.Div. at Reformed Theological Seminary. Crump is a former All-American wrestler at the University of Oklahoma and played in NFL for the New Orleans Saints.
Dr. Daniel Akin, president of Southeastern, shared how impressed he was with Crump’s work in a very difficult area rampant with crime, drugs and poverty. Since 2011, Renovation Church has baptized more than 100 new believers.
Before Crump began his sermon, he bowed a knee and prayed beside the pulpit as he led the audience in prayer. His sermon was based on 2 Peter 3:1-10. “Not only should you make sure of your own calling and election but you should be about the business of an evangelist,” said Crump.
Crump preached on the importance of sharing the Good News about Jesus with others until He returns. “Those who are followers of Jesus do not wait passively. We don’t roll ourselves up in a grace blanket and hope God will come tomorrow,” said Crump. “This should greave us and grip our soul, it should weigh on us.”
His sermon pointed out that grace was free for us but it was not cheap for us. Crump challenged the audience to share the gift of Salvation with difficult people in difficult places. He sincerely models this practice in his ministry in Atlanta and shared examples of his personal witness encounters with the group. “I need you to see God’s heart for the sinner,” said Crump.
The audience was asked to pray for those who do not belong to Jesus and utilize the power source of the Gospel to propel efforts forward for saving the lost. “The more I pray for Atlanta the more restless I become about the state of its soul,” said Crump. “Ask God to burden you for the lost and remind you of His imminent coming.”
A second call for listeners was to follow prayer with action by reaching out to people who may make one feel uncomfortable and nervous. Crump says that this difficult group of people will be the ones that help remind Christians about the reality of Jesus’ return.
The service was held in Binkley Chapel on Oct. 1.
“The majority of those we encounter on a daily basis will not see God’s face without your faithfulness to proclaim His goodness,” said Crump. “Time is not waiting for us to decide that we are going to be faithful to the call that rests on our shoulders. … If you’re not reaching the lost, you’re not being faithful.”
Please click here to listen or watch the sermon online.
Please click here to view photos from chapel.