President Akin encourages students to complete their ministry and live with no regrets
January 19, 2017
Daniel Akin, president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS), called students to complete their ministry and live with no regrets at the last chapel of the semester on May 6.
Akin preached from 2 Timothy 4, Paul’s farewell discourse. To provide the context for Paul’s writings, he read from a passage in “The Illustrated Life of Paul” by Chuck Quarles, professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology at Southeastern. The apostle Paul was in jail and soon facing death for his commitment to the Gospel. (include link: )
Akin shared with listeners that living for Christ is costly and tough but it will be rewarded. “It is one thing to start well, but it is a completely different thing to finish well,” he said. “Paul is celebrating the fact that he is about to head to his heavenly home.”
His sermon stressed that following God’s example and trusting His word are the keys to faithful and effective ministry. He wants students to have the ability to face death with “absolutely no regrets.”
Students were called to fight the good fight (1 Timothy 6:12). “Fight for the Gospel. Don’t quit. Don’t get discouraged. Stay true to the Gospel,” Akin emphasized.
The audience was reminded that it is important to always keep things in proper perspective. Akin focused on people in ministry with Paul that were a blessing, a disappointment and a source of opposition.
“You’re going to have people in your life and ministry that brighten your day. … Make sure you treasure those relationships,” Akin explained. “Remember if everyone else forsakes you, the Lord will not.”
Akin focused on the reality of finding great joy in seeking out the lost, and the result of living life with a passion for Christ. “Remember there is a life worth living and a death worth having,” Akin said. “It will be a costly adventure.”
Michael Travers, professor of English and associate vice president of institutional effectiveness at Southeastern, was honored at chapel as he leaves SEBTS after 10 years of service. He will be joining the faculty at Oklahoma Baptist University as associate dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, chair of the department of Language and Literature, and a professor of English.
Women’s diplomas and a presentation of awards and certificates from a variety of areas of studies were presented to students during the service.
To watch this message online, please click here.
To view photos from chapel, please click here.