Southeastern announces four new faculty members
Lauren Pratt | May 02, 2018
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) is excited to announce four new faculty hires: Julia Bickley, Ben Holloway, Jason Williamson and Otto Sanchez.
“God continues to bring some of the best and brightest to join our world-class faculty,” said Danny Akin, president of SEBTS. “These are men and women that love Christ, the Bible the gospel, the Church and the nations.”
Bickley will begin teaching at SEBTS June 1 as a full-time assistant professor for ministry to women and has also been appointed as the associate dean for graduate administration. She comes to SEBTS from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary (MABTS), where she has taught since 2009 as an adjunct faculty member. Since 2011, Bickley has served as director of campus life and institutional assessment as well as dean of women at MABTS. Bickley has experience teaching church ministries, introduction to research and writing and principles of teaching I and II. She received her Master of Divinity in Christian education from MABTS in 2005 and her Ph.D. in leadership from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2011.
“I’m excited to join the faculty during these exciting days,” said Bickley. “It is a privilege to serve the Lord at an institution so dedicated to the gospel and the local church.”
Holloway will begin teaching at SEBTS Aug. 1 as a full-time instructor of philosophy and history of ideas. He will be coming to SEBTS from the Commission Leadership Academy in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he teaches logic, Latin, writing and leadership. Holloway received his Master of Arts in philosophy of religion in 2014 from
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. at SEBTS.
“In a remarkable way, the Lord uses what goes on in his classrooms to form, inform, and reform our minds and lives,” said Holloway. “I am looking forward to serving him in the classrooms of Southeastern, both online and on campus so that I may play a part in this valuable work.”
Williamson started teaching at SEBTS on Feb. 12 as a part-time associate professor of business and entrepreneurship for The College at Southeastern, the undergraduate arm of SEBTS. Along with teaching at the college, Williamson works for Oracle, an international computer software company. He is currently the vice president of Startup Ecosystems Oracle. Williamson received his master’s in management of I.T. from the University of Virginia.
“I’m thrilled to join the ranks at Southeastern,” said Williamson. “I’m passionate about seeing the gospel spread on the wings of commerce and this institution is uniquely positioned to make that happen.”
Sanchez was appointed to the SEBTS faculty Oct. 26, 2017 as a visiting professor of preaching and pastoral ministry. He is from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, where he teaches and is president at the Seminario Teológico Bautista Dominicano. He is also the president of Baptist convention in the Dominican Republic. Sanchez received his diploma in 2013 in theology and pastoral ministry through the Langham Preaching seminar in Cochabamba, Bolivia. This seminar is part of a larger organization called Langham Partnership, which was founded by John Stott and promotes training and resources for indigenous pastors and leaders. Sanchez also received his Th.M. in pastoral ministry in 2012 from the Southern Baptist School for Biblical Studies in Jacksonville, Florida.
“This is great move by SEBTS,” said Edgar Aponte, vice president of mobilization at the International Mission Board. “He not only brings a wealth of pastoral and executive experience, but he is also a great cultural fit to the Great Commission culture that Dr. Akin has created at SEBTS.”
“These are wonderful days at Southeastern,” said Akin. “These additions only make us stronger for the important assignment God has given us.”