President Akin addresses Critical Race Theory at Presidential Q&A
SEBTS Staff | May 03, 2021
On Wednesday, April 28, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) hosted a Q&A with President Danny Akin in Binkley Chapel on a wide range of topics, including allegations of Southeastern’s alignment with Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Intersectionality.
“Let me lay it out for you with crystal clear clarity,” said Akin. “We do not advocate at Southeastern Seminary Critical Race Theory or Intersectionality. But there’s a difference between advocating something and educating you about something. I do believe it is our calling to educate you about many things with which you will, I hope, disagree.”
According to Akin, the heartbeat of SEBTS is to train up men and women to fulfill the Great Commission and reach every nation with the gospel. Under this Great Commission banner, SEBTS equips students know how to think biblically and how to engage in conversations happening within the public square, such as CRT and Intersectionality. Akin’s encouragement with students when it comes to addressing CRT is to be aware, engage, and critique CRT from a biblical perspective. Gaining a better understanding of differing worldviews does not put students at odds with biblical principles. Rather, it provides a way for believers to contextualize the gospel to their audience.
In addition, SEBTS stands firmly on its four confessional statements and expects each faculty member to affirm the Baptist Faith & Message 2000, the Abstract of Principles, the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, and the Danvers Statement on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. The seminary faculty today take these statements both seriously and literally.
“We believe it without mental reservation or hesitation,” said Akin. “We pledge with our hearts to teach in accordance with and not contrary to. That’s who we are.”
In an effort to dialogue and engage the student population on campus and abroad, Akin addressed a number of submitted questions from students. He covered a variety of topics from how to have a healthy balance with ministry and family to his Great Commission, gospel-centered vision for SEBTS.
SEBTS desires to equip graduates to serve as ministers who love God, love truth, love the Church, and love the world. As a school that is lighthearted, others-focused, and mission-oriented, SEBTS seeks to welcome discussion from its students, staff, and faculty.
Missed the Q&A with Dr. Akin? Watch the full discussion below (the CRT discussion begins at 38:52).