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Celebrating 20 years of Great Commission Service

Join Us in Honoring the Akins' 20 Years of Service
Twenty years ago, Southeastern unanimously elected Daniel L. Akin as its sixth president, recognizing God’s providence in directing Danny and his wife Charlotte to Southeastern. Now in his twentieth year, Akin has distinguished himself as a humble leader with an unwavering commitment to God’s word and a singular focus on fulfilling the Great Commission.
Southeastern’s students, staff, and faculty are deeply grateful for Danny Akin’s outstanding leadership over the past 20 years and for his rallying vision for Great Commission theological education. The Southeastern community prays that God will continue to bless his presidency for years to come.

Thank you, Dr. Akin!
We invite all friends, alumni, and ministry partners of Southeastern to give in honor of Dr. & Mrs. Akin’s twenty years of leading Southeastern as a Great Commission seminary. These gifts, in denominations of $20, or an amount of each person’s choosing, go towards the Southeastern Fund, providing support for mission-critical needs; or the newly-established Charlotte Akin Student Aid Fund, which directly impacts the lives of students at Southeastern. Generous gifts, no matter the size, to these initiatives demonstrate the love and appreciation the Southeastern community has for the Akins as they have faithfully served our school and, most importantly, King Jesus over the past two decades.
Southeastern will be celebrating Danny Akin’s 20-year anniversary throughout the semester, including during its spring board of trustees meeting and its alumni and friends’ luncheon at the SBC annual meeting.