New Student Orientation

Congratulations and Welcome to Southeastern!

Fall 2024 Welcome Week will be August 23-30. Orientation Day will be on August 23rd.

Department Open House | August 23 from 1:30pm to 5pm

Prince Building

Campus Housing is an essential feature of the Southeastern experience. Offering a wide array of affordable and comfortable accommodations, our residential communities are the crucible where academic training and the rhythms of life are forged together. “As iron sharpens iron,” so can our residents be sharpened by the fellowship of their neighbors as we seek to glorify the Lord Jesus and fulfill the Great Commission together. Stop by the Housing Office today to see what’s available.

Visitors are encouraged to park in the gravel lot across from Jacumin-Simpson for NSO

Looking to visit a local church in the area? Check out our Local Church Guide!

Local Churches



Dr. Mark Liederbach, Dean of Students

It is my deepest hope and prayer for each of you that while you are here you will fall ever more deeply in love with the Lord and worship him with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. I am also praying that as an outflow of your love and worship of God that you will flourish personally, develop in your ministry skills, and experience an increasing joy in serving the local church.

Here at Southeastern we strive to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his Great Commission central in all we do. At Southeastern, then, we are a “community” of faith. That is, we are a people who are united around a common purpose of worshipping the Lord and maximizing that worship throughout all creation. This is the vision that makes Southeastern more than an institution. We are a movement with a vision, purpose, and goal. Thus, it is with great joy that I welcome you to the Southeastern community. May it be that together we will thrill the Lord with worship in our classrooms, residencies, local church involvement, and our relationships with the lost wherever they may be in the world.

As Paul reminded the believers in 1 Corinthians 10:31: “Whether then you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Let’s make every aspect of our life together one that thrills our great God!

Please know that my office and staff are eager to serve you in whatever capacity we can. All of us in the Student Life Division are delighted you are here!

The Dean of Students Office is located in the Ledford Student Center Suite 100. Dr. Liederbach’s administrative Assistant is William Bowers.

To meet with Dr. Liederbach, email [email protected] or call (919)761-2306.

Dr. Liederbach can be reached directly at [email protected].