The Doctor of Ministry
Doctor of Ministry Admissions

DMin Admissions
The Doctor of Ministry program at Southeastern is a 31-hour professional degree designed to equip ministry leaders to fulfill the Great Commission in their ministry contexts. Southeastern's DMin is an accessible, affordable, and achievable doctoral program that enables students to refine their ministry skills in a flexible, cohort-style model that complements their ongoing ministry.
The program of study required for the DMin degree will take students no fewer than three academic years and no greater than six years. Entering students must understand the high level of commitment that is required to actively participate in this degree program year round for this period of time.
More than two-thirds of students finish their DMin at Southeastern in just three years due to its modified residency options, supportive cohort model, and generous scholarships, making this doctoral program ideal for current ministry leaders. Enabling leaders to achieve greater excellence in ministry, the DMin program offers a number of specializations, including church growth and revitalization, biblical counseling, ministry to women, and more.
Modified Residency
Academic History
- A Ministry-Related Master’s Degree from an Accredited Institution.
- Students who do not possess an MDiv from an accredited institution may be required to complete the Equivalency Packet as a part of the application process.
- A minimum master’s level cumulative grade point average of “B” (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) is required to be considered for this program. Applicants with a cumulative grade point average lower than 3.0 will be considered on an individual basis and may be admitted on academic probation if they successfully complete other requirements as determined by the director.
Contact the Director of DMin Studies
Dr. Tate Cockrell