Dr. Mohler Addresses Southeastern on Christian Truth Telling
January 19, 2017
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) welcomed Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr. as the guest speaker for the Drummond-Bush Lecture Series on Sept. 12. Mohler currently serves at the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) in Louisville, Ky. He is a dear friend to Dr. Danny Akin, the president of SEBTS, and to the Southeastern community.
Mohler brought a warm smile, clear doctrine and a relevant viewpoint as he spoke in chapel at SEBTS. Seasoned with a deep-rooted understanding of the late 20th and early 21st centuries of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), Mohler is a true influencer of the Christian faith and the Baptist denomination.
Mohler’s devotion to support the inerrancy of the Bible makes him a leader in preserving the true Christian faith in America and around the world. This is Mohler’s 21st year at SBTS where he earned his M.Div. and Ph.D.
In chapel, Mohler spoke on 1 Corinthians 15, addressing the reality of death physically and spiritually. He pointed to Christ as the central figure of the passage. Mohler acknowledged that most people in the audience are not focused on death’s realities and repercussions.
“I’m going to die, you’re going to die and there is nothing we can do about it and that is strangely good news. … We cannot be what we are meant to be if we cannot die,” said Mohler.
“We get sloppy around funerals. … Funerals are bad moments for doing theology on the fly.” Mohler shared stories from his past experiences of leading funerals as a young pastor. His humor lightened the spirits of attendees and made the sermon engaging for listeners. “My point today is not about funerals you will do but the funeral someone will do for you. … We never get to finish anything and we can’t keep anything.
“Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God. … For those who are in Christ, we will one day be as He is. … We are in the land of the dying heading for the land of the living,” said Mohler.
“Death is the final word that declares sin over the entire human race. If there were no Gospel, this would be all we had. … But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57),” said Mohler. “We must die in order for Christ’s work to be accomplished in us.”
Following chapel at a luncheon for Ph.D. students and faculty, Mohler spoke about his childhood and journey to where he stands today. “I never knew myself not to be surrounded by the things of God,” said Mohler. He became a Christian at the age of nine when he realized that he was a sinner and soon followed the decision by marking the desire to be in full time Christian service on a card at Royal Ambassador Camp.
Mohler fielded questions from the group about current issues facing the SBC today. “We won the battle for inerrancy but the battle is brewing again,” said Mohler.
He also spoke about the cause of family breakdown and secularization in Northern Europe and his outlook for the future of the U.S. He encouraged the audience to pray for freedom and greater opportunities to preach the Gospel.
Finally, Mohler spoke about issues in the past he now sees differently. “Be ready to be the corrector and the corrected,” said Mohler.
Later in the evening, Mohler discussed apologetic issues facing our culture today. The evening lecture was held in Wake Forest Baptist Church and was titled “What I Have Told You in the Darkness Say in the Light: Christian Truth Telling in a Secular Age.”
Mohler explored the shift in society’s relationship to God. In the past it was impossible not to believe in God, but over time it become possible not to believe in God. Now society is moving towards the idea that it is impossible to believe in God. He stated that the current diversity of worldviews is evident in academic settings, the media, and entertainment.
“Be faithful to truth telling, whatever the conditions … realize theologically the Gospel is at stake,” said Mohler. He challenged the audience from Matthew 10 to be convicted Christian truth tellers. Mohler focused on the need for Christians to have new attitudes and skills in engaging in personal and intentional conversations with non-believers. “We are outlaws rather than judges in conversations. … We are breaking the rules instead of making the rules. … We are invited into conversations where otherwise we would have been the conveners,” said Mohler.
Mohler encouraged the church to be faithful in the current world context by speaking boldly and humbly. “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and innocent as doves (Matthew 10:16). … May we tell the truth in the light,” said Mohler.
Please click here to view the chapel service and lecture online.
Please click here to view photos from chapel.
Please click here to view photos from the luncheon and lecture.