Southeastern Welcomes Dr. Charles Harvey as Director of the D.Min. Program
January 19, 2017
By Michael McEwen
Dr. Charles Harvey, as the new Doctor of Ministry Director of Southeastern, humbly confessed, “We, in the D.Min. program, want to provide academic and spiritual excellence to those who are, themselves, desiring to excel academically and spiritually.”
Harvey, who served at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary for sixteen years, has been a Professor in Christian Education with Collegiate Ministry and Discipleship. He was also the Associate Director of the D.Min, Director of Doctor of Education, and later, the Director of D.Min at New Orleans Seminary. He received both his Masters and Doctorate from New Orleans Seminary. In addition to these titles, Harvey served as a collegiate minister for twelve years, was a pastor, an executive pastor, and a pastor of education. Now, as Southeastern’s D.Min Director, he understands well the responsibility and honor of servitude.
“I’ve stepped into a phenomenal program, primarily due to Dr. John Ewart,” said Harvey. “And a couple of my responsibilities are to recruit as well as provide continual modification to the program for academic excellence.”
The Doctorate of Ministry is an advanced academic degree that is designed for those who are in vocational ministry seeking further training for the purpose of more effective service to the body of Christ. “Minimally,” noted Harvey, “the program takes about three years. We are trying to make it as flexible as we can.”
The student is to attend four intensive, five-day on-campus workshops and one two-day workshop (just prior to the third seminar) and participate in courses with online components. On-campus time is only 4.5 weeks over the entire program. The program is intentionally designed to help the student build expertise while practically applying what he or she has learned directly to the ministry context.
“To put it simply,” Harvey remarked, “our goals consist in furnishing world-class scholars and practitioners in the classroom, a production of convenient course schedules, while staying committed to the cohort model.”
The D.Min. program offers four concentrations for the prospective student: Expository Preaching, Missions and Evangelism, Leadership, and Biblical Counseling. “Although not established, we are presently exploring in the program another concentration pertaining to Discipleship and Spiritual Formation,” said Harvey.
“For those who take seriously their call and learning,” closed Harvey, “they want to be part of the D.Min. program.”
For more information about the D.Min. program, click here