First Southeastern Class Offered in Spanish Announced for January 2014
January 19, 2017
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) is eagerly anticipating hosting its first Hermeneutics course taught in Spanish. The class will be held on Jan. 6 – 10 on the SEBTS campus.
The course will be taught by Edgar Aponte, director of Hispanic leadership development at SEBTS, and is open to Southeastern graduate level students that speak Spanish or are bilingual. Pastors and others that are interested in learning more about the Bible are also invited to enroll.
Walter Strickland, special advisor to the president for diversity at SEBTS stated, “This academic year, we officially launched the Kingdom Diversity initiative at SEBTS which included the Kingdom Celebration Day, the first Spanish conference, 9Marks en Español, and a Kingdom Christmas. This Hermeneutics class is another step in equipping students from every corner of the kingdom to serve in every context of the kingdom.”
Hermeneutics is a foundational course at Southeastern on how to read and interpret Scripture as well as methods to communicate biblical truths in a variety of environments. “A proper reading and understanding of the Bible is central in the pastoral and missional task,” Aponte said. “We want students to understand how to read the Bible so they can teach the Bible with more clarity and faithfulness.”
Southeastern strives to fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20) through equipping students with a strong theological education. “We are excited about these kinds of classes which allow us to keep serving the Spanish-speaking church,” Strickland said.
Graduate students at SEBTS can enroll for the January term Hermeneutics in Spanish on CampusNet or by contacting the Registrar’s Office at [email protected]
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