Southeastern alumni united in the mission of God
January 19, 2017
The Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary’s alumni and friends luncheon hosted 400 guests for brief engaging talks on mission and a worship time led by Shane & Shane.
The luncheon was held on June 17 at the Southern Baptist Convention in Columbus, Ohio.
David Platt, president of the International Mission Board (IMB), stopped in to encourage attendees at the luncheon. Platt spoke about the strong partnership between Southeastern and the IMB to fulfill the Great Commission.
Platt believes that God is doing a unique work at Southeastern with all areas of the campus “engrained with mission fervor.”
The three short talks were focused on what it means to answer the call of God to go make disciples.
Ed Stetzer, executive director of LifeWay Research, spoke on “All God’s People on All of God’s Mission.” Stetzer stated that “the mission of God is not something that is engaged in a subset of God’s people but is engaged by all of God’s people.”
“I am blessed when all of God’s people say I am going,” Stetzer said.
D.A. Horton, national coordinator for urban student missions at the North American Mission Board and a Ph.D. student at Southeastern, spoke on “Kingdom Diversity and the Mission of God.”
Horton highlighted strategic ways to seek the diversity of the kingdom of God in a higher academic setting by building an articulation agreement, providing benevolent funding and developing a high level of authenticity.
Horton spoke about as the unified body of Christ “we’re running to communities that everyone is running out of.”
Chuck Quarles, professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology, spoke on “SEBTS and the Great Commission.” Quarles believes that Jesus’ greatness leads the nations to believe in him and worship him.
“God will draw the nations of the world to bow before our Savior,” Quarles said. “We should share the gospel expectantly because our Savior is greater.”
Southeastern President Danny Akin delivered an update on highlights from the past year and future goals. “God continues to let his hand of blessing rest on this institution,” Akin said.
Matt Carter, pastor of teaching and vision at The Austin Stone Community Church in Austin, Texas, recently graduated with a Doctor of Ministry from Southeastern. His church pledged an additional $500,000 to support Southeastern over the next 10 years.
“Southeastern is striking a perfect balance between academic theology with practical training,” Carter said. “SEBTS was the best educational experience of my life.”
The luncheon concluded as Shane & Shane came on stage to lead the friends and family of Southeastern in worship before they depart to their places of ministry around the world.
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