Cooperation on Mission: Southeastern Partners with Associational Mission Strategists
Chad Burchett | November 10, 2022
On November 7, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary sponsored the Associational Mission Strategist (AMS) Banquet in Greensboro, NC, during the annual meeting of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina (BSCNC). Southeastern remains a committed ministry partner of AMS leaders throughout the region.
Southeastern’s mission is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by equipping students to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission. One of the ways Southeastern accomplishes this mission is by partnering with regional AMS leaders, who are uniquely equipped and positioned as mobilizers in local associations throughout North Carolina and across the country. Sponsoring this year’s AMS Banquet, Southeastern continues its investment in AMS leaders, encouraging Great Commission cooperation on the associational level.
“We are so blessed to partner with local churches and AMS leaders in our region,” shared Danny Akin, President of Southeastern, “As they send us their students and we train them to declare what God declares and love what God loves, we have the joy of seeing them return to their churches and be sent out to fulfill the Great Commission and lead their churches to take seriously God’s heart for the nations.”
We are so blessed to partner with local churches and AMS leaders in our region.
“I believe the associational level may be the most impactful sphere of cooperation in the days ahead within the Southern Baptist Convention,” shared Todd Unzicker, Executive Director-Treasure of the BSCNC. “I am so thankful for Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Dr. Akin who share my heart for local associations.”
During the banquet, Akin challenged AMS leaders from Mark 10:35-45 to model servant-hearted leadership — leadership characterized by Christ-like sacrifice and humility. “It is a challenge to answer the call to be a servant because it goes against our natural inclinations,” shared Akin. “However, if you want to see what it means to be a servant, look to the eternal Son of God who condescended to the lowest possible level in this world to become a servant for you and me that he might send us out to be servants of others just like him.”
If you want to see what it means to be a servant, look to the eternal Son of God who condescended to the lowest possible level in this world to become a servant for you and me.
“In his kingdom, a leader looks like a servant,” noted Akin. “Greatness in God’s kingdom is measured, not by how many people serve you but rather by how many people you serve.”
This year’s AMS Banquet represented Southeastern’s ongoing investment in associational leadership throughout the region and across the country. In August of this year, Southeastern also hosted its fourth annual AMS conference, gathering and equipping dozens of associational leaders from fourteen states. Southeastern believes associational cooperation and ministry offers one of the most strategic frontiers for Great Commission mobilization in the U.S., which is why Southeastern’s associational partnerships are a significant part of its Great Commission efforts.
With a desire to serve and support these associations, Southeastern regularly partners with local associations for pulpit supply, connecting current Southeastern students with opportunities to serve churches in the region. Most recently on September 25, Southeastern students served fourteen churches in the Columbus Baptist Association, faithfully preaching God’s word and encouraging local congregations.
To learn more about how Southeastern partners with local associations and churches, contact Chris Allen, Assistant Director of Church & Convention Relations, at [email protected]. To find out how Southeastern can partner with your local church, contact Jonathan Vaughn, Church Relations Officer, at [email protected].
Next year’s AMS conference on Southeastern’s campus is schedule for August 2023. More information to follow.