Graduate Spotlight: A Conversation with Megan Chadwick
Chad Burchett | December 14, 2022
Megan Chadwick first learned about Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary after she returned from her Journeyman term with the International Mission Board. Nearly a decade later, a social media post reminded her about Southeastern, and Megan moved to Wake Forest, NC, in August 2018 to begin a Master of Arts in Ethics, Theology, and Culture at Southeastern.
“I loved Southeastern’s missions heartbeat and focus on equipping disciples to use their God-given gifts and interests to serve in all areas of the Church and culture,” Chadwick recalled about her time as a student. This Great Commission heartbeat has been an integral part of her Southeastern experience and continues to characterize her passion for ministry in the local church.
In the following Q&A, Chadwick takes time to share her Southeastern story and talk about her formation in Southeastern’s Great Commission community:
What aspects of studying at Southeastern were particularly formative or encouraging to you?
I love that the Southeastern family is constantly cheering you on toward academic excellence and spiritual growth. Faculty, staff, and other students support each other and genuinely want to see one another succeed. It has been an incredible experience and I am glad I will always be a part of the extended Southeastern family.
I love that the Southeastern family is constantly cheering you on toward academic excellence and spiritual growth.
How did your Southeastern education shape your view of the Great Commission?
I am grateful for the way every class incorporates an emphasis on the Great Commission, but I expected nothing less than that when I chose to be a student here. It has been refreshing and challenging to maintain that focus and intentionally look for ways to make disciples in every discipline.
Which classes, professors, or memories stand out from your Southeastern education?
There are too many to count but some of my fondest memories and most formative interactions were with professors who took time to answer questions in class or during office hours. I have learned more about Christlikeness from their humility, mercy, grace, kindness, and patience than at any other time in my life.
In what ways have you seen theological education and ministry preparation go hand in hand while a student?
The theological education I have received has been incredibly valuable. I feel like I am leaving seminary with a toolbox full of resources to use in ministry and a list of friends and professors with experience and a willingness to offer ministry guidance. Hearing the personal ministry testimonies from various faculty members has been an incredible encouragement and reminder that the Lord is the one who calls, equips, transforms, and deserves all the glory.
I am leaving seminary with a toolbox full of resources to use in ministry and a list of friends and professors with experience and a willingness to offer ministry guidance.
Where do you hope to serve now that you have graduated?
I currently serve at Faith Baptist Church in Youngsville, NC. It is my hope to continue in ministry there, but we will see where the Lord leads in the future.
How can your Southeastern family be praying for you?
I welcome prayers for wisdom about the future, faithfulness to follow Christ wholeheartedly, and increased passion for evangelism.