Beyond the Book with Dr. Lawless: “Victory over the Enemy”
Chad Burchett | July 14, 2023
Scripture tells us that we live in a spiritual world marked by spiritual warfare. It also teaches that Christ has defeated the spiritual forces of evil and will reign triumphantly forever. Not only is Christ’s victory good news for eternity, but also it enables our faith and obedience through which we can live in spiritual victory now.
In their book, “Victory over the Enemy: Defeating the World, the Flesh, and the Devil,” Chuck Lawless and William Cook offer a practical resource on spiritual warfare that teaches Christians how to live victoriously through faith and obedience. Surveying biblical teachings on spiritual warfare, “Victory over the Enemy” offers an accessible treatment on discipleship and spiritual disciplines as means to victory in spiritual warfare.
In the following Q&A, Lawless, senior professor of evangelism and missions, dean of doctoral studies, vice president for spiritual formation and ministry centers, and Richard & Gina Headrick Chair of world missions at Southeastern Seminary, takes the time to answer a few questions about this new book:
What is the book about?
This book is about living in victory over Satan and his forces by (1) recognizing our enemies of the world, the flesh, and the devil and (2) living godly, disciplined lives. In fact, it’s the latter focus that is most important. We live in victory when we walk in obedience — when we put on the full armor of God.
We live in victory when we walk in obedience — when we put on the full armor of God.
Who is the target audience?
We wrote this book for all believers. Individuals can certainly learn from it, but we hope churches will study this book in their small groups. Not only will they then help each other learn, but also they will develop fellowship that helps us walk in victory together.
What motivated you to coauthor the book? How do you hope your readers will benefit from it?
Dr. Cook and I first wrote the textbook, “Spiritual Warfare in the Storyline of Scripture” as a toolbox for students and pastors. This follow-up work is more a lay-level book to help believers live in victory over the enemy. One goal of the book is to guide believers to live disciplined lives that reflect victory.
What has led to the neglect or imbalanced treatment of spiritual warfare in evangelicalism?
On one hand, some have been reticent to tackle warfare issues for fear of leaning too far toward the sensational. On the other hand, some have been so fascinated with warfare that they tend to find demons behind every rock. Either direction is problematic.
Why is it vital that Christians understand the provisions God has made for their spiritual warfare?
The battle is real, and it can be deadly when we’re unprepared. God has given us his armor — all we need to live in victory — but it’s hard to employ that armor if we don’t know it exists in the first place.
What common factors keep Christians from experiencing victory over the enemy, and how do disciplines like Bible reading and memorization, prayer, and fasting help them reverse course?
One of the biggest issues is a lack of discipleship. When no one has discipled us, we find ourselves in a battle we’re ill equipped to fight. And, we fight alone with no one walking beside us — and that’s a dangerous place to be. What the spiritual disciplines do is strengthen our relationship with God so we’re already leaning on him daily when the enemy attacks.
What the spiritual disciplines do is strengthen our relationship with God so we’re already leaning on him daily when the enemy attacks.
What is at stake if the Church’s view of spiritual warfare is less than biblical? How does this deficiency affect the Church’s mission?
If we ignore biblical teachings about warfare, we find ourselves losing battles without even understanding the conflict. If we magnify the battle beyond the Bible’s emphasis, we give the devil more attention than the Scriptures do. In both cases, we tend to give little attention to the Great Commission.
How does “Victory over the Enemy” equip readers to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission?
If we are raising up and equipping believers to take the gospel to our neighbors and the nations, we are sending them to carry gospel light into the darkness; we are sending them into spiritual conflict. Teaching them to put on the full armor of God will prepare them for this conflict and challenge them to remain faithful to the task.
How has researching and writing the book shaped you spiritually?
Writing this book has reminded me that no matter how much I write on the topic, I still must daily lean on the Lord for victory. Knowing “stuff” about spiritual warfare carries little promise of victory, but knowing Jesus does. In addition, writing this book with my friend, Dr. Bill Cook, reminds me of the joy of doing God’s work with other brothers and sisters in Christ. Those relationships help us to deflect the enemy’s arrows because we do not fight alone.
Knowing “stuff” about spiritual warfare carries little promise of victory, but knowing Jesus does.
Victory over the Enemy: Defeating the World, the Flesh, and the Devil
Although spiritual warfare is a recurring theme in Scripture, it is difficult to find balanced, evangelical treatments of this topic. Drawing on their extensive expertise on this subject, as presented in their previous B&H volume “Spiritual Warfare in the Storyline of Scripture,” Cook and Lawless aim to equip everyday Christians to understand what Scripture teaches about spiritual warfare and how believers can practically apply these scriptural principles. By doing so, readers can experience victory over the world, the flesh, and the devil.
July 15, 2023
Paperback, 288 pages