Graduate Spotlight: A Conversation with Michael Guyer

For Michael Guyer, his training at Southeastern not only prepared him to teach God’s word and pastor Treasuring Christ Church in Ann Arbor, Michigan, but also deepened his love for Christ and his resolve to fulfill the Great Commission in all of life. A two-time Southeastern Seminary graduate, Michael received his MDiv in advanced biblical studies in 2012 and his PhD in biblical studies this past week.

In the following Q&A, Michael shares more about his Southeastern journey and how he plans to continue using his training to serve the Church and make disciples.

Why did you choose Southeastern?

I was first drawn to Southeastern because of the character and leadership of Dr. Akin. I wanted to learn under professors like him so that I might be the best prepared to study and teach God’s word to fulfill the Great Commission.

What aspects of studying at Southeastern were particularly formative or encouraging to you?

Perhaps the most formative aspect for me was seeing professors and staff who loved the local church, invested in students’ lives, and were committed to the Great Commission. The content I received as a student was top notch, but the culture of Great Commission disciple making will continue to shape my life and ministry long after graduation.

How did your Southeastern education shape your view of the Great Commission?

I spent my time at Southeastern asking not whether I should go but where I should go. That was the message I heard from the pulpit in chapel to the podium in the classroom. Even more strikingly, it was the example I witnessed in many of my classmates. I loved the academic excellence of Southeastern, but I love it more that academic excellence was never divorced from a white-hot fervor for reaching our neighbors and the nations.

I loved the academic excellence of Southeastern, but I love it more that academic excellence was never divorced from a white-hot fervor for reaching our neighbors and the nations.

Which classes, professors, or memories stand out from your Southeastern education?

There are too many to recount, but here are a few: Greek classes under Drs. David Allen Black and Benjamin L. Merkle, apologetics on C. S. Lewis and Francis Schaeffer taught by Dr. Bruce Little and the late Dr. Michael Travers, ecclesiology by Dr. John Hammett, Bible exposition by Dr. Greg Heisler, as well as learning how to teach and do research from Drs. Mark Leiderbach and Chuck Lawless and fulfilling my field ministry hours in my local church at Open Door Church under Dr. Dwayne Milioni.

In what ways have you seen theological education and ministry preparation go hand in hand while a student?

I saw this play out in a number of ways. I saw it modeled by professors who also served as pastors or leaders in their local church. It was expected in assignments and courses, and I was consistently encouraged to apply what I was learning in the classroom in the local church and on the mission field. I also commend Southeastern for the multiple ways it makes pursuing theological education doable while also serving in ministry.

Where are you serving, and how are you using your Southeastern education in ministry?

I am the lead pastor of Treasuring Christ Church in Ann Arbor, MI. We planted in December 2019 with a team from Open Door Church. Everyone on our team either worked at Southeastern or held at least one degree from Southeastern. I couldn’t be more thankful for Southeastern’s role in shaping who I am as a follower of Christ and as a pastor.

How can your Southeastern family be praying for you?

Pray that Treasuring Christ Church would produce growing disciples and bear gospel fruit as we carry out our mission of multiplying disciples who delight in, declare, and display the gospel in all of life and for the good of our community.

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