Doctoral Graduate Spotlight: A Conversation with Zack Hudson
Mary Asta Halvorsen | May 16, 2024
This the past Friday, Zack Hudson graduated with his Doctor of Ministry at Southeastern Seminary. While pursuing his doctorate, he has also been serving as the associate pastor and family team minister at his local church, South Tulsa Baptist Church. During his time at Southeastern, Zack has not only grown in his understanding of the Great Commission but has also been able to practically apply his degree in the context of ministry.
Take a moment to read through the Q&A below where Zack reflects on his time at seminary.
Why did you choose Southeastern?
As I felt led to work through a doctoral program, our pastor highly recommended Southeastern because of its emphasis on the Great Commission and missions. I explored several seminary options but ultimately felt led to Southeastern because of its vision and the leadership of Dr. Akin.
What aspects of studying at Southeastern were particularly formative or encouraging to you?
I loved the idea of being “sent.” Southeastern’s courses and professors centered around the Great Commission and equipping men and women to live lives that represented obedience to Jesus’s calling to go and make disciples.
How did your Southeastern education shape your view of the Great Commission?
Even at 44, I realized that God still calls people to go. Through the classes at Southeastern, my wife and I once again embraced God’s calling to go and make disciples. We have connected with our local Send Network in Oklahoma to help our church fulfill the Great Commission through church planting and revitalization.
Even at 44, I realized that God still calls people to go. Through the classes at Southeastern, my wife and I once again embraced God’s calling to go and make disciples.
Which classes, professors, or memories stand out from your Southeastern education?
I wish I had more room to write about every class, as they benefited both me personally and our church here in Tulsa. Dr. Ewart taught us to ask why and evaluate our events and activities. He taught us the value of beginning with the end in mind through his church revitalization class. Dr. Robinson’s teaching on the church and Acts 2 significantly impacted our staff as I encouraged us all to make sure our events and activities fit into the church’s vision. I also value the relationships I built with my fellow students as we have encouraged each other along the way.
How have you seen theological education go hand in hand with ministry preparation during your time as a student?
Southeastern’s DMin program connects theology and practical ministry very well. Through each class, I applied what I learned to the local church where I serve. Specifically, I was able to equip my staff and leaders with Southeastern’s teaching, which had an even more significant impact on our congregation.
Specifically, I was able to equip my staff and leaders with Southeastern’s teaching, which had an even more significant impact on our congregation.
Where are you serving and how are you using your Southeastern education in ministry?
I currently serve as the associate pastor and family team minister at South Tulsa Baptist Church in Oklahoma. I used Southeastern’s education to equip myself to better serve our local church. Through Southeastern’s classes and encouragement, our church has partnered with the Send Network to help support church planters and revitalization efforts.
How can your Southeastern family be praying for you?
Pray that we as a church continue to embrace the Great Commission and making Jesus known. We have a rich history of supporting missions and are praying about new ways to reach our neighborhood and community with the gospel.