Georgia Baptist Foundation

Scholarship for Graduate students who are residents of Georgia at the time of enrollment in seminary. Additional requirements:

  • Must be a full-time Master’s level student taking classes on campus (extension center students may also receive funding, see below)
    • For the semester ending with graduation, this requirement of “full-time student” will be waived
  • Must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Must be endorsed by a church affiliated with the Georgia Baptist Convention (GBC)
    • If endorsed by a church other than a cooperating GBC church, applicant must provide a letter of recommendation from his or her home church in Georgia (a church affiliated with the GBC) stating the dates of membership in that church and involvement in the life of the church.

Deadlines: The deadline for this scholarship is typically in September for the fall and early June for the spring semester.

Contact: Candy Cannon, 800-452-9064