Greg Welty

Professor of Philosophy


Greg Welty is currently Professor of Philosophy at Southeastern (2010-present). He has been married to his wife Rose for twenty-five years, and they have three sons. He was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, and is a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles (BA, Philosophy), Westminster Theological Seminary in California (MDiv), and the University of Oxford (MPhil, DPhil, Philosophical Theology; Oriel College, supervisor: Richard Swinburne). He was a teaching assistant for John Frame at Westminster (1993-1997), a stipendiary lecturer in philosophy at Regent’s Park College, University of Oxford (2000-2001), and an assistant professor of philosophy at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, Texas (2003-2010).

He is also the Program Coordinator for the MA in Philosophy of Religion at Southeastern, and served as a pastor for over ten years. He specializes in the relation between abstract objects and God, the problem of evil, theories of divine providence, theistic arguments, and philosophy of religion more generally. He is the author, most recently, of Why Is There Evil in the World? (Christian Focus, 2018), is co-editor of Calvinism and Middle Knowledge: A Conversation (Wipf and Stock Publishers, February 2019), and co-edits the series of ten apologetics volumes The Big Ten – Critical Questions Answered (Christian Focus). He has contributed to Contemporary Arguments in Natural Theology: God and Rational Belief (Bloomsbury Academic, 2021), The History of Apologetics: A Biographical and Methodological Introduction (Zondervan, 2020), Philosophical Essays Against Open Theism (Routledge Studies in Philosophy of Religion) (Routledge, 2018), Calvinism and the Problem of Evil (Wipf and Stock, 2016), Beyond the Control of God? Six Views on the Problem of God and Abstract Objects (Bloomsbury Academic, 2014), and Calvinism: A Southern Baptist Dialogue (Broadman & Holman Academic, 2008). He has also contributed to Philosophia Christi, Faith and Philosophy, Themelios, the Concise Theology project at The Gospel Coalition, and served as a referee for several journals in philosophy of religion.


BA, University of California at Los Angeles
MDiv, Westminister Theological Seminary in California
MPhil, DPhil, Oriel College, University of Oxford


Books by Dr. Welty

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Alvin Plantinga

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Why Is There Evil In the World (And So Much Of It)?

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Calvinism and Middle Knowledge

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