It is Southeastern’s desire to train and equip international Christian students to fulfill the Great Commission both here in America and in their home countries, whether through on-campus learning or via online courses.

We as an institution are honored that you are considering our school for theological preparation! In order to gain admission into Southeastern, there are additional admissions procedures and policies for international students in order to meet the requirements of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Please remember that becoming an international student takes time and frequent communication. We care for you and desire to assist every step of the way.

For more information about the application process and becoming a student, contact the admissions office at [email protected]. For other helpful information regarding International Student Services, click here.


Application Information and Steps

  • step 1

    Submit Application

    Submit online application found here:

  • step 2

    Financially Prepare for Southeastern

    Financial Ability Packet: This packet helps you financially prepare for paying tuition and living on campus. It includes forms required by the U.S. government to verify your financial support and other items needed to issue the I-20. This packet will be included in the application process.

  • step 3

    Take English Test

    • Official English Language score reports are required for admission. Scores may not be older than two years and must meet the minimum requirements:
    o Undergraduate and Graduate minimum scores: 100 (DuoLingo) or 83 (TOEFL)
    o Master of Arts (Research) minimum scores: 120 (DuoLingo) or 100 (TOEFL)
    o Advanced Degree minimum scores: 120 (DuoLingo) or 100 (TOEFL)

  • step 4

    Finish Transcript Evaluation

    Due to the difficulty in interpreting international transcripts, international evaluation reports are required of all students who have studied outside of the United States. All official transcripts from non-US educational institutions high school as well as any post-secondary transcripts must be translated and sent directly to SpanTran or WES (or any participating NACES company) by the issuing institution. This is a requirement before your admissions file will be considered complete. If you are applying for graduate programs, you do not need to submit a high school transcript. You should apply for the course-by-course evaluation which reports accreditation and GPA

    Span-Tran Pathways

Financial Requirements

The U.S. Department of State requires that all prospective F-1 students have financial resources to live and study in the United States. All International Students must provide proof that they have financial support for at least one year of study.

We request that Evidence of Financial Ability take the form of a bank statement with the currency designation in U.S. Dollars only from the bank. If the student provides a bank statement in any other currency, then we cannot accept this as evidence for your Financial Ability.

For more information regarding this policy, please click the button below.

Policies and Procedures

It is the responsibility of the student to read and be familiar with any information pertaining to international student admission and enrollment found on this site and in the international student handbook. Below are a few policies and procedures international students should be familiar with.