Scott Pace
Doctor of Ministry
Student Ministry
Doctor of Ministry
This track is designed for those ministering to students in middle and high school. The curriculum aims to challenge student ministry leaders in the following ways:
1. To establish a ministry philosophy that bears a Great Commission DNA throughout student ministry structure and practice.
2. To obtain a holistic awareness of adolescent identity that integrates physical, psychological, and emotional development with a robust biblical anthropology, for the purpose of ministering well to students in their unique season of life.
3. To distinguish the proper role of student ministry within the local church’s pursuit of the Great Commission and the parent’s role as primary disciple-maker for their own children, and to equip parents to embody their crucial role while partnering with them in leading students to know and treasure Jesus in their lives.
4. To identify and pursue ministry objectives that align with God’s grand plan of redemption and that lead students toward spiritual maturity in Christ.
5. To develop and apply biblically-faithful frameworks for cultural discernment that help students and parents cultivate spiritual wisdom and understanding, and that generate a missional culture fueled by authentic, faithful, and meaningful gospel expression in the world.
Fully Online
Modified Residency
Students in the Student Ministry track can expect
Exploration of ministry within our cultural context, grounded in biblical truth.
Learning environment that places a high value on collaboration with other leaders.
Resources intentionally selected to challenge, equip, and encourage leaders.
Assignments designed for real ministry implementation with students and parents.
Opportunities to evaluate current ministry structures and develop new ideas.
- An accredited master’s degree in a ministry-related area
- 3.00 GPA in graduate work (will consider a lower GPA based on strength of application)
- Significant vocational ministry experience
- Current ministry position