Keelan Cook
George Liele Director of the Center for Great Commission Studies
Keelan Cook is the George Liele Director for the Center for Great Commission studies. He also serves as instructor of Missiology at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Previously, he served as the Associate Director for the Union Baptist Association in Houston, TX. Keelan’s areas of focus cover both North American and International missions. He teaches and writes on church renewal and replanting as well as developing healthy sending culture in churches. He has a passion for mobilizing the church to the nations, and a love for missions history. He leads the Peoples Next Door project, which is an initiative to equip local churches in North America to engage in cross-cultural missions among the least-reached peoples that now live in our communities. In previous years, he spent time as a church planter in West Africa with the IMB and doing ethnographic research in Washington, DC with NAMB.
BA, Union University
MA in Christian Studies, Union University
PhD Candidate in Applied Theology, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary