SEBTS Lunch and Learn Event Highlights Church Partnerships

This past April, Southeastern Seminary’s Equip Network partnered with the South Carolina Baptist Convention (SCBaptist) to offer its first ever Lunch and Learn event. Hosted at First Baptist Spartanburg, Lunch and Learn brought South Carolina pastors and church leaders together to discuss important topics related to church revitalization.

Amidst fellowship and a meal together, attendees had the opportunity to learn more about the resources available to them through The Equip Network and SCBaptist.  As attendees learned during the event, Southeastern’s Equip Network exists to mobilize churches in equipping ministry leaders through the union of theological education and practical ministry experience.

Dr. Chuck Lawless, vice president for spiritual formation and ministry centers, expressed Southeastern’s heart for resourcing pastors with the right tools so that they are equipped and encouraged as they lead their congregations.

Representing SCBaptist as director of church strategies, James Nugent shared the following eye-opening statistics about the state of Baptist churches across South Carolina:

  • In 2023 the median average of weekly worship attendance reported by SCBaptist churches is 75 people.
  • Thirty percent of SCBaptist churches reported 0 baptisms in the 2023 annual report.

With these numbers lending perspective, Nugent challenged his listeners: “Fulfilling your call to pastoral ministry will probably require you to shepherd a congregation needing revitalization.” He shared further about SCBaptist’s emphasis for serving churches, equipping pastors, and developing partners.

Fulfilling your call to pastoral ministry will probably require you to shepherd a congregation needing revitalization.

Beau Landers, director of Southeastern’s Equip Network, then gave a brief word of encouragement from Matthew 9, urging churches to “pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest” (Matt 9:38). Following this, he explained how Southeastern is partnering with churches to equip their leaders and congregations.

One such avenue for equipping is Southeastern’s Go Certificate Office, which provides non-credit certificates, offering affordable and accessible training for church members and ministry leaders. Amongst the many available certificate options, Landers highlighted the newest offering that will be available in June: “Biblical Foundations for Small Group Leaders.” This training will focus on four main courses composed of twelve 20-minute lectures. Courses include New Testament, Old Testament, Christian Doctrine, and Teaching for Transformation.

In partnering with local churches, Southeastern also offers in-context ministry courses. This feature of The Equip Network allows students to complete everything from individual practicums to as many as 36 credit hours of a master’s degree under the guidance and wisdom of local church leaders.

Overall, Lunch and Learn was a historic event for The Equip Network and furthered its mission to equip churches in their mission to make disciples. Grateful for its partnership with First Baptist Spartanburg and SCBaptist in hosting this event, Southeastern looks forward to similar future events, highlighting the need to partner with new church leaders and prepare them to serve the Church and fulfill the Great Commission.

To become an Equip Network partner or learn more about the Equip Network’s vision for partnering with local churches to resource and train their people, visit

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